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Game Pong

Dalam game ini terdapat 4 class, yaitu:
1. Class Pong
2. Class Ball
3. Class Paddle
4. Class Renderer

Map classnya akan terlihat seperti ini.

Berikut adalah source codenya.
1. Class Pong
  import java.awt.BasicStroke;    
  import java.awt.Color;    
  import java.awt.Font;    
  import java.awt.Graphics2D;    
  import java.awt.RenderingHints;    
  import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;    
  import java.awt.event.ActionListener;    
  import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;    
  import java.awt.event.KeyListener;    
  import java.util.Random;    
  import javax.swing.JFrame;    
  import javax.swing.Timer;    
  public class Pong implements ActionListener, KeyListener    
   public static Pong pong;    
   public int width = 700, height = 700;    
   public Renderer renderer;    
   public Paddle player1;    
   public Paddle player2;    
   public Ball ball;    
   public boolean bot = false, selectingDifficulty;    
   public boolean w, s, up, down;    
   public int gameStatus = 0, scoreLimit = 7, playerWon; //0 = Menu, 1 = Paused, 2 = Playing, 3 = Over    
   public int botDifficulty, botMoves, botCooldown = 0;    
   public Random random;    
   public JFrame jframe;    
   public Pong()    
     Timer timer = new Timer(20, this);    
     random = new Random();    
     jframe = new JFrame("Pong");    
     renderer = new Renderer();    
     jframe.setSize(width + 15, height + 35);    
   public void start()    
     gameStatus = 2;    
     player1 = new Paddle(this, 1);    
     player2 = new Paddle(this, 2);    
     ball = new Ball(this);    
   public void update()    
     if (player1.score >= scoreLimit)    
      playerWon = 1;    
      gameStatus = 3;    
     if (player2.score >= scoreLimit)    
      gameStatus = 3;    
      playerWon = 2;    
     if (w)    
     if (s)    
     if (!bot)    
      if (up)    
      if (down)    
      if (botCooldown > 0)    
       if (botCooldown == 0)    
        botMoves = 0;    
      if (botMoves < 10)    
       if (player2.y + player2.height / 2 < ball.y)    
       if (player2.y + player2.height / 2 > ball.y)    
       if (botDifficulty == 0)    
        botCooldown = 20;    
       if (botDifficulty == 1)    
        botCooldown = 15;    
       if (botDifficulty == 2)    
        botCooldown = 10;    
     ball.update(player1, player2);    
   public void render(Graphics2D g)    
     g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);    
     g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);    
     if (gameStatus == 0)    
      g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 50));    
      g.drawString("PONG", width / 2 - 75, 50);    
      if (!selectingDifficulty)    
       g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 30));    
       g.drawString("Press Space to Play", width / 2 - 150, height / 2 - 25);    
       g.drawString("Press Shift to Play with Bot", width / 2 - 200, height / 2 + 25);    
       g.drawString("<< Score Limit: " + scoreLimit + " >>", width / 2 - 150, height / 2 + 75);    
     if (selectingDifficulty)    
      String string = botDifficulty == 0 ? "Easy" : (botDifficulty == 1 ? "Medium" : "Hard");    
      g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 30));    
      g.drawString("<< Bot Difficulty: " + string + " >>", width / 2 - 180, height / 2 - 25);    
      g.drawString("Press Space to Play", width / 2 - 150, height / 2 + 25);    
     if (gameStatus == 1)    
      g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 50));    
      g.drawString("PAUSED", width / 2 - 103, height / 2 - 25);    
     if (gameStatus == 1 || gameStatus == 2)    
      g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(5f));    
      g.drawLine(width / 2, 0, width / 2, height);    
      g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2f));    
      g.drawOval(width / 2 - 150, height / 2 - 150, 300, 300);    
      g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 50));    
      g.drawString(String.valueOf(player1.score), width / 2 - 90, 50);    
      g.drawString(String.valueOf(player2.score), width / 2 + 65, 50);    
     if (gameStatus == 3)    
      g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 50));    
      g.drawString("PONG", width / 2 - 75, 50);    
      if (bot && playerWon == 2)    
       g.drawString("The Bot Wins!", width / 2 - 170, 200);    
       g.drawString("Player " + playerWon + " Wins!", width / 2 - 165, 200);    
      g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 30));    
      g.drawString("Press Space to Play Again", width / 2 - 185, height / 2 - 25);    
      g.drawString("Press ESC for Menu", width / 2 - 140, height / 2 + 25);    
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)    
     if (gameStatus == 2)    
   public static void main(String[] args)    
     pong = new Pong();    
   public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)    
     int id = e.getKeyCode();    
     if (id == KeyEvent.VK_W)    
      w = true;    
     else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_S)    
      s = true;    
     else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_UP)    
      up = true;    
     else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)    
      down = true;    
     else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT)    
      if (selectingDifficulty)    
       if (botDifficulty < 2)    
        botDifficulty = 0;    
      else if (gameStatus == 0)    
     else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT)    
      if (selectingDifficulty)    
       if (botDifficulty > 0)    
        botDifficulty = 2;    
      else if (gameStatus == 0 && scoreLimit > 1)    
     else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE && (gameStatus == 2 || gameStatus == 3))    
      gameStatus = 0;    
     else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT && gameStatus == 0)    
      bot = true;    
      selectingDifficulty = true;    
     else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE)    
      if (gameStatus == 0 || gameStatus == 3)    
       if (!selectingDifficulty)    
        bot = false;    
        selectingDifficulty = false;    
      else if (gameStatus == 1)    
       gameStatus = 2;    
      else if (gameStatus == 2)    
       gameStatus = 1;    
   public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)    
     int id = e.getKeyCode();    
     if (id == KeyEvent.VK_W)    
      w = false;    
     else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_S)    
      s = false;    
     else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_UP)    
      up = false;    
     else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)    
      down = false;    
   public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)    

2. Class Ball
  import java.awt.Color;    
  import java.awt.Graphics;    
  import java.util.Random;    
  public class Ball    
   public int x, y, width = 25, height = 25;    
   public int motionX, motionY;    
   public Random random;    
   private Pong pong;    
   public int amountOfHits;    
   public Ball(Pong pong)    
     this.pong = pong;    
     this.random = new Random();    
   public void update(Paddle paddle1, Paddle paddle2)    
     int speed = 5;    
     this.x += motionX * speed;    
     this.y += motionY * speed;    
     if (this.y + height - motionY > pong.height || this.y + motionY < 0)    
      if (this.motionY < 0)    
       this.y = 0;    
       this.motionY += random.nextInt(4);    
       if (motionY == 0)    
        motionY = 1;    
       this.motionY += -random.nextInt(4);    
       this.y = pong.height - height;    
       if (motionY == 0)    
        motionY = -1;    
     if (checkCollision(paddle1) == 1)    
      this.motionX = 1 + (amountOfHits / 5);    
      this.motionY = -2 + random.nextInt(4);    
      if (motionY == 0)    
       motionY = 1;    
     else if (checkCollision(paddle2) == 1)    
      this.motionX = -1 - (amountOfHits / 5);    
      this.motionY = -2 + random.nextInt(4);    
      if (motionY == 0)    
       motionY = 1;    
     if (checkCollision(paddle1) == 2)    
     else if (checkCollision(paddle2) == 2)    
   public void spawn()    
     this.amountOfHits = 0;    
     this.x = pong.width / 2 - this.width / 2;    
     this.y = pong.height / 2 - this.height / 2;    
     this.motionY = -2 + random.nextInt(4);    
     if (motionY == 0)    
      motionY = 1;    
     if (random.nextBoolean())    
      motionX = 1;    
      motionX = -1;    
   public int checkCollision(Paddle paddle)    
     if (this.x < paddle.x + paddle.width && this.x + width > paddle.x && this.y < paddle.y + paddle.height && this.y + height > paddle.y)    
      return 1; //bounce    
     else if ((paddle.x > x && paddle.paddleNumber == 1) || (paddle.x < x - width && paddle.paddleNumber == 2))    
      return 2; //score    
     return 0; //nothing    
   public void render(Graphics g)    
     g.fillOval(x, y, width, height);    

3. Class Paddle
  import java.awt.Color;    
  import java.awt.Graphics;    
  public class Paddle    
   public int paddleNumber;    
   public int x, y, width = 50, height = 250;    
   public int score;    
   public Paddle(Pong pong, int paddleNumber)    
     this.paddleNumber = paddleNumber;    
     if (paddleNumber == 1)    
      this.x = 0;    
     if (paddleNumber == 2)    
      this.x = pong.width - width;    
     this.y = pong.height / 2 - this.height / 2;    
   public void render(Graphics g)    
     g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);    
   public void move(boolean up)    
     int speed = 15;    
     if (up)    
      if (y - speed > 0)    
       y -= speed;    
       y = 0;    
      if (y + height + speed < Pong.pong.height)    
       y += speed;    
       y = Pong.pong.height - height;    

4. Class Renderer
  import java.awt.Graphics;    
  import java.awt.Graphics2D;    
  import javax.swing.JPanel;    
  public class Renderer extends JPanel    
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;    
   protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)    
     Pong.pong.render((Graphics2D) g);    

Berikut adalah hasilnya.

Sekian & Terima Kasih.


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