Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan mencoba membuat sistem integra. Disini saya nantinya akan membuat 8 class dengan menggunakan metode inheritance. Berikut adalah penggambaran classnya dengan menggunakan Blue J.
Berikut adalah isi dari setiap objectnya.
Berikut adalah source code tiap classnya.
- Database
/** * Write a description of class Database here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ import java.util.ArrayList; public class Database { private ArrayList<ID>id; public Database() { id=new ArrayList<ID>(); } public void addID(ID theID) { id.add(theID); } public void list() { for (ID id:id){ id.print(); System.out.println(); } } }
- ID
/** * Write a description of class ID here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class ID { public String status; public String kode; public String nama; public ID(String theStatus, String theKode, String theNama) { status=theStatus; kode=theKode; nama=theNama; } public void print() { System.out.println(status); System.out.println("ID: " +kode); System.out.println("Nama: "+nama); } }
- Mahasiswa
/** * Write a description of class Mahasiswa here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ import java.util.ArrayList; public class Mahasiswa extends ID { private int semester; private int sks; private double ipk; private ArrayList<MataKuliah> matkul; private ArrayList<Buku> book; public Mahasiswa(String theStatus, String theKode, String theNama, int theSemester, int theSKS, double theIPK) { super(theStatus, theKode, theNama); semester=theSemester; sks=theSKS; ipk=theIPK; matkul=new ArrayList<MataKuliah>(); book=new ArrayList<Buku>(); } public void addMatkul(MataKuliah theMatkul) { matkul.add(theMatkul); } public void dropMatkul(MataKuliah theMatkul) { matkul.remove(theMatkul); } public void PinjamBuku(Buku theBook) { book.add(theBook); } public void KembaliBuku(Buku theBook) { book.remove(theBook); } public int getSemester() { return semester; } public int getSKS() { return sks; } public double getIPK() { return ipk; } public String getMahasiswa() { return this.nama; } }
- Pegawai
/** * Write a description of class Pegawai here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ import java.util.ArrayList; public class Pegawai extends ID { private ArrayList<MataKuliah> matkul; private ArrayList<Buku> book; public Pegawai(String theStatus, String theKode, String theNama) { super(theStatus, theKode, theNama); book=new ArrayList<Buku>(); } public void PinjamBuku(Buku theBook) { book.add(theBook); } public void KembaliBuku(Buku theBook) { book.remove(theBook); } public String getPegawai() { return this.nama; } }
- Dosen
/** * Write a description of class Dosen here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ import java.util.ArrayList; public class Dosen extends ID { private ArrayList<MataKuliah> matkul; private ArrayList<Buku> book; public Dosen(String theStatus, String theKode, String theNama) { super(theStatus, theKode, theNama); matkul=new ArrayList<MataKuliah>(); book=new ArrayList<Buku>(); } public void addMatkul(MataKuliah theMatkul) { matkul.add(theMatkul); } public void PinjamBuku(Buku theBook) { book.add(theBook); } public void KembaliBuku(Buku theBook) { book.remove(theBook); } public String getDosen() { return this.nama; } }
- Buku
/** * Write a description of class Buku here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class Buku { private String kode; private String judul; private String penulis; public Buku(String theKode, String theJudul, String thePenulis) { kode=theKode; judul=theJudul; penulis=thePenulis; } public String getBuku() { return judul; } }
- MataKuliah
/** * Write a description of class MataKuliah here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class MataKuliah { private int kode; private String nama; private int sks; private String waktu; private String ruang; private String dosen; public MataKuliah(int theKode, String theNama, int theSKS, String theTime) { kode=theKode; nama=theNama; sks=theSKS; waktu=theTime; } public void addKelas(Kelas kelas) { ruang=kelas.getKelas(); } public void addDosen(Dosen dsn) { dosen=dsn.getDosen(); } public String getMataKuliah() { return nama; } public String getKelas() { return ruang; } public String getDosen() { return dosen; } public void print() { System.out.println("Kode :" + kode); System.out.println("Mata Kuliah :" + nama); System.out.println("SKS :" + sks); System.out.println("Dosen :" + dosen); } }
- Kelas
/** * Write a description of class Kelas here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class Kelas { private String ruang; public Kelas(String theRoom) { ruang=theRoom; } public String getKelas() { return ruang; } }
Berikut adalah isi dari setiap objectnya.
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